Saturday, December 4, 2010


Monday, March 15, 2010

Wing Lee Street, Hong Kong

Last Sunday, I went down to Wing Lee Street after reading news that the location site used for filming of the award winning film 'Echoes of the Rainbow' directed by Alex Law is to be demolish to give ways for some up market development.
I realized that I have been around here so many times to take photos of old houses and shops but I have never sketch around this areas. Last weekend, I did and it feel good drawing the houses on Wing Lee Street, old mail boxes and back lanes.
The film won the Crystal Bear award at the Berlin Film Festival.
I just hope that these places can be reconsider and preserve as part of the Hong Kong history and heritage for the younger generation.

Movie poster.

TV antenna and phone lines can be seen all over the building.

Here the safest ways of drying clothes is to have the bamboo poles going through the clothes and secured by ropes just in case of bad weather.

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